How to Reset Your ArthritisPower Password



How to Reset Your ArthritisPower Password

Unable to log into the ArthritisPower web or mobile app?

Below are instructions for resetting your ArthritisPower password. In order to keep your login credentials secure, we have created a multi-step process for resetting your password. You will need access to your email account in order to complete this process.

Step 1

Open the ArthritisPower app, or browse to the ArthritisPower home page 

At the login screen, click the button labeled “Reset Password”.

Step 2

On the next screen, enter the email address associated with your ArthritisPower account, and press the button labeled, “Continue”.

The ArthritisPower system will now send you an email containing a web link to reset your password.

Head on over to your inbox to continue…

Step 3

Check your email inbox.

The ArthritisPower system will have sent an email containing your password reset link.

The email will come from “ArthritisPower Password Recovery”, with the subject line of “ArthritisPower Password Recovery”.

In the body of the email, click the link labeled, “Please click here to reset your password”.

Step 4

On the screen that opens, enter your email address and a new password (twice).

Next, press the button labeled “Reset Password” to finish the password reset process.

On the screen that follows, enter your newly established password to log into ArthritisPower. If you continue to have difficulty logging in, please contact [email protected] for further assistance.